
Toddler Gift Guide

Today I’ll be sharing my first of several gift guides – this one’s all about the kiddos (specifically toddlers)! Luke’s birthday is at the beginning of December, so between his birthday and Christmas, we have been checking out and researching what gifts we should get him. We actually didn’t have too many toys for a toddler, but knew between both events (and very generous family and friends), that we could quickly collect a lot of toys that would begin to takeover our house. We plan on only taking out certain toys at a time and saving some of the ones we receive for when he’s a bit older.

He’s already received some of the gifts below and he truly loves them all. I can’t wait to see his face on Christmas this year when he receives some of the others! Below are 15 things we have on his list (and read all the way to the bottom for a bonus gift that he’s had for a few months and is another MUST HAVE!):


  1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Toy – I can’t find the exact one we bought Luke online (I found it at the Disney Store), but this one is similar and a great price! Luke LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and was so excited when he saw this toy. It’s been a favorite since the minute he unwrapped it.
  2. Collapsible Tent + Tunnel – This definitely takes up a lot of space, but is easily collapsible for quick clean up and storage. The balls are sold separately if you are worried about having a million of those around your house 🙂
  3. Leapfrog Laptop – We are always getting pictures of Luke playing with this at Daycare and if one of us has our laptop open at home, Luke immediately makes a beeline for it and starts banging on the keys!
  4. Mega Bloks Building Blocks – This set is kind of like extra large Legos, which are perfect for chubby toddler hands and little ones who put everything directly in their mouths. I can see Luke’s brain working as he uses his fine motor skills to stack and build and my nephews still love these years later!
  5. Cozy Coupe – Such a classic toy that I can’t wait for Luke to have as he gets older!
  6. Grow n’ Go Giraffe – If your kiddo is a daredevil, he will love this toy. Luke’s little legs don’t quite reach the floor when he sits on the seat, so instead he chooses to try to stand up on the seat (yes I panic every time). He gets so excited when he sees this though and races it around the house like a walker, so I know when he is big enough, he’ll zoom all over the place.
  7. Never Touch a Dinosaur Book – This was an impulse buy at Target a few months ago and I couldn’t be happier with the purchase! Each page has different textures on it and Luke will sit through the entire book and feel the page as we turn it. There are several others in the series that I have my eye on too!
  8. Wooden Train Set – My parents have a similar wooden train set that my nephews have always loved when they visited, so I can’t wait for Luke to have his own set to build different tracks and create a little town.
  9. Fishing Pole Bath Set – After months of HATING the bath, Luke finally loves to sit and play in the tub every night. We needed a few new toys and I love that the creatures in this set are airtight to prevent mold and mildew buildup.
  10. Pull Back Cars – These are so fun for toddlers and adults alike – Luke thinks they are so funny when you pull them back and they crash into something and then zoom off in a different direction, and Blake and I like to race them to see who’s car will go the farthest 🙂
  11. Silicon Suction Place Mats – These are a lifesaver for toddlers who are insistent on feeding themselves yet like to throw the bowl or container you are using. Luke figured out how to pull up the regular silicon kinds, but these actually have a suction cup on the bottom to make sure they are really on there!
  12. Basket Ball Hoop – Blake is so excited to gift this to Luke. There was one in our pre-op room when we went to the facility for Luke’s tubes, and Luke loved holding onto the ball and making Blake pick him up over and over again to put it in the basket!
  13. Wooden Puzzle – This puzzle is great because it has large pieces and the base is outlined in the number’s color for a little extra help as they learn to places the pieces in.
  14. Kitchen Set – This will most likely be a gift that is better when he is a little older and more into imaginary play, but I think a kitchen set is such a classic gift that little ones will enjoy for several years.
  15. Duplo Train Set – I think this little train will be great for learning colors and numbers, as well as building and connecting all of the different pieces

Finally, this car was a gift from my father-in-law a few months ago and Luke just loves it. We take it all around the house as well as on walks through our neighborhood and Luke gets the biggest smile on our face when we pull it out. It takes up a good amount of space, but if you have the ability to store it, it’s a great option for a little one! This is the exact one we have, but there are several other models/colors/types of cars out there!

Hopefully this helps give some good gift ideas for anyone looking to buy something for a toddler! Let me know if you have any questions or if you have another toy you would add to the list!



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