Little Monster First Birthday Party
You guys…it’s official. We have a ONE YEAR OLD (ok technically he’s already 14 months, but it’s been busy over here!). I honestly cannot believe it! The past year has absolutely flown by. High Chair // “One” Banner I admittedly started thinking about and planning for his first birthday party several months in advance (I was just so excited!). Initially I had a few themes I was deciding between, but when I started seeing monster themed parties pop up on Pinterest, it was an easy decision. I loved the colorful decorations and the cute little monsters scattered throughout. Luckily Blake loved it too and then everything quickly came together! Cake Stand…
Top Amazon Purchases from 2018
It’s no secret that I LOVE Amazon. I mean…what’s not to love? They have almost everything you could ever want (even things you didn’t know you wanted until you see them…) and with Prime two day free shipping, it shows up at my house with almost zero effort on my part. We also signed up for Amazon’s Subscribe and Save service this past year and get things like coffee, toilet paper, and diapers sent on a monthly basis at a discount. And no, this post is not sponsored…I just really love Amazon! I thought it would be fun to share my 10 favorite Amazon purchases from last year. This is…
Luke’s 12 Month Update
So Luke’s actually almost fourteen months old now, but hey,you win some, you lose some! I’ll be sharing the details of Luke’s 1stbirthday party later this week, but wanted to post a 12 month update in themeantime. He is officially a toddler and I can’t get over that fact…the firstyear of his life has flown by and as hard and crazy as the newborn stage was,it seems like I blinked and skipped ahead a few months. SO much has happened since the last update. I’ll go into more details below, but we had some more ear infections, had a procedure to puttubes in his ears, started walking, celebrated his first…
How to Crush Your Goals This Year
If we are being honest here…I LOVE New Year’s Resolutions. I look forward to the fresh start every year and am a sucker for making a list and buying a new planner. There’s something about a blank slate and the excitement of implementing changes and trying to hit all your goals that gets me revved up – you know, “new year, new me” and all that jazz 🙂 One of my blogger friends, Bonnie, created a #momblogchallenge this year and the first month’s topic is on goals for the year and self care…what a great opportunity for me to take a step back and evaluate what I want 2019 to…
Top Blog Posts of 2018
Hi all! I still can’t believe it’s officially 2019…last year FLEW by. I always love the beginning of the new year – it’s a fresh start and gets me in a mood to goal set, clean out everything in my house, and work on little things in my life to contribute to an overall happier and healthier mindset! I took a lot of time off from the blog at the end of the year and while it was nice to get a little break/reset, I am excited to get back on here and publish some new posts! I put a little poll up on Instastories the other night to get…