Welcome to Simply Sweet Storeys!
My first post! I’m so excited and so nervous to be typing out what I hope will be the first of many blog posts here on Simply Sweet Storeys. The concept of this little blog has been swirling around in my mind for a long time now, but what actually made me pull the trigger was encouragement from my husband, Blake.
Neither of us know where this space will take me, but I’ve been inspired by so many other bloggers over the years and mainly want a place to share inspiration and record memories (the simply sweet storeys) of my daily life. As I write this, Luke is almost four months old and I already feel like time is passing by so quickly. Every day he seems to learn something new and I don’t want to take these little moments for granted.
I have a million ideas of things to write about…and yet no idea where to officially start! I hope you’ll hang around as the clutter in my brain starts to clear out – although I can’t promise I’ll ever be succinct and to the point! As a new mom who also works full time, I realize it might be tough to post as much as I’d like, but my hope is to be somewhat consistent and to keep up with writing.
Thanks for visiting and I hope you’ll continue to follow along on my newest journey!