
Weekend Recap – July 9th

After a middle of the week holiday that threw off my whole week followed by a sick baby, I was SO ready for the weekend. We haven’t gotten much sleep recently and poor Luke has been so fussy and uncomfortable for almost a week now. He ended up waking up in the middle of the night Wednesday night with a high fever, so I took him into the doctor Thursday morning. He tested negative for the flu, strep, and RSV, so we’re thinking it’s just a cold virus that will hopefully run its course soon. In the meantime, we’re trying to keep him comfortable and hydrated while combatting teething pain at the same time…aka we’re exhausted 🙂

We kept Luke home from daycare Thursday and Friday and I came home from work early to watch him while Blake finished out his day with some calls for work. We ran to the grocery store to grab some things for dinner and then called it an early night after putting Luke down and catching up on The Office (we started watching the whole series from the beginning and I’ve been loving it!).

Saturday started bright and early after a few middle of the night wake ups from Luke. He was up around 5:15 so I grabbed him from the crib, changed him, and headed straight downstairs for coffee. I’m a morning person…but 5:15 is a little too early for me! After about an hour, we both already needed some fresh air and to get out of the house so we went for a walk. He fell asleep pretty quickly and got a little snooze in while I walked around.

I went to my barre class and then came back and we spent most of the day playing around the house before needing to get out again. We ran over to Buy Buy Baby and bought three different types of teething rings to see if any of them would help with Luke’s teething pain. Luke fought some of his naps, but crashed hard while we were watching the World Cup.

Our big Saturday night plans? We cleaned out the pantry, ate Zoes Kitchen, and of course watched The Office. I was 100% in my pajamas and ready for bed by 7:00pm.

Sunday started off crazy early again. I needed a little break and also needed to find a dress for an upcoming “Black Tie Optional” wedding, so my mom and I went shopping. I think I found a winner!

We ran out to the grocery store when I got home to pick up food for the week and got back and started prepping some items for lunches, etc. We just put Luke down to bed and I’m about to finish this post so I can grab a peppermint tea (I finish Whole30 on Tuesday or else I probably would have grabbed a glass of wine!). Stay tuned for a recap on the whole program!

Hope everyone has a great week!



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