
Weekend Update – Memorial Day Weekend

Good morning!  I’m feeling totally refreshed after our three day weekend – an extra day resting with my family was JUST what I needed! All three of us have been feeling a little under the weather, so we took it easy all weekend and rested when we could (which is easier said than done when you have a six month old!). It’s a pretty dreary day here in Atlanta, but I’m powering through with an extra cup of coffee!


I kicked off my long weekend with a much needed haircut! It’s been awhile since I had gotten a trim and my postpartum locks needed a little TLC. It was a last minute appointment, so I took a gamble on a New Talent at my local Aveda salon and LOVED the result! She did a great job listening to what I wanted and I was really pleased with how it turned out. She also gave me a relaxing arm and hand massage while my conditioner was soaking in and I totally zoned out after a long week.

I got home and Blake made a quick and easy dinner (grilled shrimp with jambalaya rice) and we played with Luke until it was time for bed.

Luke has been SO active and will jump like crazy in his jumper, so he totally wears himself out by the end of the day now. We gave him a bath, fed him his bottle, and he was fast asleep not even two seconds after we put him in his crib!


We woke up Saturday morning and took it easy until it was time for me to go to my barre class. I hadn’t been in awhile and it felt SO GOOD to fire up my muscles and get a good workout in. That hour in the morning is always just what I need to clear my head and start my day. After a quick shower, the three of us hopped in the car and drove to the mall to make a return at Nordstrom. Luke woke up halfway through our shopping adventure, but was in a great mood and flirted with every other shopper who passed us! Blake needed some new sunglasses so we swung by a few stores before all three of us needed something to eat. We grabbed a quick lunch while we gave him his bottle and then drove back home so we could get some things done around the house. Blake grilled up some chicken and we paired it with a salad for another easy and healthy dinner. We caught up on one of our favorite shows (Blindspot…anybody else watch it??) and then had another early night. We’ve both been battling a cough and sore throat and tried to just sleep as much as we could this weekend!


Luke woke up for a few minutes around 6:00 before falling back asleep and waking up for the day around 7:15. That may still seem early for some but his ability to put himself back to sleep throughout the night has been a GAME CHANGER in our household. We went from wake ups literally every 15 minutes to sleeping from about 7 to 6 or 6:30. I can’t even tell you how much difference it has made for all of us! I plan on going into a little more detail in an upcoming 6 Month Update post, but man…we are counting our sleep blessings over here for sure!

I still got up early to hop in the shower so I could head off with my mom to shoot some blog posts. We had a blast checking out some different areas for shoots and I’m excited about the upcoming content I have planned! We took pictures in Downtown Duluth, which is a cute little city about 20 minutes from our house. They have done so much to the downtown area recently and there are lots of cute little shops, delicious restaurants and a huge green space. Blake and I love Crave Pie – they have tons of different pie flavors that change every day. You can get a large pie or mini pies and I wish it was a little closer (well…maybe I don’t) so we could stop by more often to grab a pie! My mom and I also checked out Simply Done Donuts and ya’ll…I was in heaven. They make these incredible mini donuts with all kinds of amazing flavors/toppings. We bought a box of 8 and she, Blake and I devoured them once we got home. I got an almond milk latte while I was there too and whatever espresso they used was SO GOOD. We’ll definitely be going back on weekend mornings!

I got back home around 10:30 and spent the rest of the morning with my boys at home. We made a quick run to Buy Buy Baby before swinging by Publix on the way home to grab lunch and to shop for the week. We finished some chores around the house (no matter what…we always have so much laundry to put away and so many bottles to wash!!) and went for a quick walk around the neighborhood while the sun was out.

After we put Luke to bed, we grilled out and had burgers for dinner. We finished the last of our recorded Blindspot episodes and I’m anxiously awaiting the next season premiere already (even though it’s months away!).


I love when you wake up on a Holiday Monday and realize you still have another day off! Luke woke up around 6:00 and his arm was stuck in the crib so unfortunately there was no going back to sleep 🙂 We got up and went downstairs to play before he was ready for his bottle. Once Blake joined us, I headed off to another barre class. I really wish my new schedule fit better with their class schedule because I would LOVE to be able to fit more classes in! I was so tired and not in the mood to workout before class and I came back so energized and ready to take on the day. After I showered, the three of us hopped in the car to grab some coffee before heading over to my parents’ house for the afternoon.

Luke fell asleep in the car on the way there and stayed asleep through most of lunch (my Dad makes the BEST ribs) and woke up in the silliest mood and ready to play. My parents have a command center that doesn’t bounce like ours – it’s stationary although the platform where his feet are does have some give. Luke loved it and spent a good part of the afternoon trying to put every piece on there in his mouth. We stayed for a few hours and then headed home (Luke fell asleep on the way home too haha) to finish up some things around the house and to get ready for the week ahead. My Dad came over to help Blake move our current coffee table (it’s more like a large, heavy square chest – we keep all of our board games in there!) to the basement. Luke needs some more space to move around and once he starts crawling and pulling, we didn’t want to have such a big item in the middle of our floor with sharp corners. We ordered a large foam mat that we’ll keep there instead, so hopefully it looks ok! I never thought I’d let the center of our living room become a baby play area, but, alas here I am allowing it to happen (actually…I think it was even my idea to do it! Who would’ve thought? 🙂 ).

Anyway, that about sums up our weekend! I love three day weekends and after a few busy weekends in a row, staying home as a family was exactly what I wanted to do. Dropping Luke off at daycare this morning definitely was harder than usual after three full days together. I’m already looking forward to next weekend!



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