
31 Things About Me to Celebrate 31 Years!

I turned 31 on Sunday (I got to share my birthday with my first Mother’s Day this year!) so today I’m sharing 31 things about me to celebrate. This list is a totally random hodge podge of facts, but I thought it would be a fun way to introduce myself to new readers and go a little deeper into who I am! And I want to hear from you – let me know in the comments if any of these surprise you OR share something about you most people don’t know!!

  1. I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. No matter what I do, I always crave something sweet throughout the day. My two biggest weaknesses are chocolate chip cookies and pink sprinkled donuts.
  2. I met my husband, Blake, through some mutual friends while at Georgia Tech. Two of my sorority sisters were dating his fraternity brothers – we’re now all married and we love hanging out with them!
  3. I have spent the majority of my professional career in Human Resources. Most recently I led the Learning & Development function and have a passion for training & helping others.
  4. I played soccer up until I went to college and even traveled to the UK with one of my teams in high school.
  5. Blake and I traveled to Spain (Madrid, Valencia, & Barcelona) two years ago and it was hands down my favorite trip that we’ve ever taken together.
  6. I only like to cook on the weekends – luckily Blake loves to cook and takes the reigns on dinners during the week.
  7. Because I went to Georgia Tech, most people who hear that assume I’m an Engineer…but this couldn’t be further from the truth! I was a Business major and loved my time there.
  8. I was born in Orlando, but moved to Atlanta when I was 5 and have lived here since.
  9. I’m definitely more of a morning person than a night owl. I have trouble staying up late and only pulled one all nighter in college.
  10. I grew up admiring my older brother and always tried to be just like him.
  11. I have two nephews and they live nearby which I LOVE. They are so funny and I’m excited that Luke will have some boy cousins around when he gets older!
  12. I love decorating, but struggle sometimes taking the vision in my mind into reality.
  13. I’m lactose intolerant so have completely cut out dairy from my diet (except for butter…this doesn’t seem to affect me).
  14. Blake and I flew to New Orleans for Mardi Gras somewhat on a whim last year. We wanted to do something spontaneous before we started a family…and we found out I was pregnant with Luke shortly after!
  15. Becoming a mother has been the most amazing and the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I can’t wait to continue to watch Luke grow and develop and we hope that God allows us to expand our family again in the future.
  16. We have a mixed faith marriage – Blake is Jewish and I am Catholic.
  17. I am a major impulse shopper. I am a merchandiser’s dream – I almost always buy something while waiting in line or that’s up by the register. It’s a problem 🙂
  18. I’ve completed Whole30 three times and am looking forward to starting another one soon!
  19. I usually get bored with doing only one type of workout, but have been taking barre classes for the past year and am obsessed.
  20. I usually get bored watching sporting events on TV, but love the entire experience of going to a game. My favorites are Georgia Tech football games and Atlanta United soccer games.
  21. My first car was a 1994 Acura Vigor and even though it was almost 17 years old when I got a new one, I was so sad to see it go.
  22. I’m 5’3″ and have always wished for longer legs.
  23. Blake and I became SCUBA certified before our honeymoon and we’ve been diving in Jamaica and off the coast of Barcelona. We can’t wait to go again in the future.
  24. Fall is my favorite season – I love the colors, the smells, the crisp weather, the holidays…everything.
  25. I’m not a huge movie person…I get bored during most of them and much prefer to watch a TV show instead!
  26. I’m an introvert with a major case of FOMO, which means even times where I’d prefer to recharge by myself, I end up agreeing to a social event because I’m scared to miss out! I’m working on this as I get older and am placing a large focus on self-care.
  27. My favorite meal is a burger. Give me a beer and a burger and I’m one happy girl!
  28. My grandparents had a condo at Ormond Beach, FL (right near Daytona Beach) so I grew up spending summers and spring break there every year. I actually thought all beaches in Florida looked like the Atlantic Ocean beaches (darker sand, shell pieces everywhere, and dark, choppy water) until I went to some beaches on the Gulf Coast in college.
  29. I can’t stand when I hear a repetitive noise (like a clock ticking) when I’m trying to sleep. I make Blake put all his watches in a drawer and I had to take the batteries out of my favorite Pottery Barn clock that’s on my nightstand.
  30. I have always loved birthdays – a lot of my friends dread this day every year, but I look forward to it! In fact, in elementary school I used to search for books about birthdays in our school’s library every month 🙂
  31. I prefer bold red wines (tempranillo and shiraz are my two favorites), but love a GOOD chardonnay when it’s hot out (I only like chardonnay when it’s oaky and butter and rich – no crisp, light versions for me!)

I want to hear from you! Do any of these surprise you? Tell me something interesting about yourself!!

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