Top 10 Must Have Baby Items
When I was pregnant and registering for baby items, I had ZERO idea what I was doing. Blake and I actually walked into Buy Buy Baby just to look around and ended up walking out five minutes later in silence because we were completely overwhelmed! While I’m still no expert, there have been several items we find ourselves gravitating towards the most and I’m telling all my pregnant friends moving forward that they should definitely register for these. Below you’ll find our top 10 baby items four months in!
*Disclaimer: The Amazon links below are affiliate links, which means while the price of the item won’t change for you, I will receive a small commission from any purchases which helps keep my blog up and running!*
- Zippered Onesies – Seriously, get the zippered ones! I don’t even know why they make them with snaps anymore – you’ll be thankful for the zippers during those middle of the night diaper changes. Our favorites are by Cloud Island and Carters (bonus if you get the ones with any kind of cute footies!)
- Baby Brezza Baby Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer – Blake registered for this initially and I honestly wasn’t sure we would use it. However, now I’m so grateful we have it because we use it multiple times a day, every day! We don’t use the sterilize function every time we wash them, but we go through so many bottles and the dryer function zaps them dry in 30 minutes flat.
- Fisher-Price Auto Rock ‘n Play – This was a top recommendation from so many of my mama friends and I totally get why. Luke napped in this almost exclusively at first and we have used it at night whenever he has some congestion so his little head is elevated. Go for the Auto version – the rhythmic rocking is comforting and knocks ’em right out.
- Fisher-Price Rainforest Gym – Luke LOVES this. He does “tummy time” on it every day and it keeps him distracted for a decent amount of time on his back. As he gets a little older, he’s starting to reach for the objects and is still fascinated by all of the hanging pieces.
- HALO SleepSack – These things are a lifesaver. I never got the hang of swaddling with a real blanket and was so nervous that Luke would wrestle his way out and have a loose blanket in the crib with him. Enter the SleepSack swaddle! It allows their legs to have room to move, but you can swaddle them tightly up top with Velcro flaps. You can do both arms, one arm in, or both arms out. They also make just the SleepSack which we’ll transition him into when he’s a little older. (Note – we prefer the cotton version to the microfleece or muslin ones)
- Fisher-Price Animal Kingdom Baby Bouncer – We initially spent a lot of money on a swing that Luke ended up hating. While he’s liking it a bit more now, I am so glad I found this bouncer! Out of desperation for something to put him in to get a quick break (and do things like…go to the bathroom), I bought this and it’s amazing! Luke sits in it while we eat, wash bottles in the morning, and sometimes will take a little afternoon snooze in it.
- Philips AVENT Freeflow Pacifier – We randomly selected these for our registry not knowing if Luke would even take a pacifier or if we wanted to use one. We used the ones from the hospital at first, but these fit better in his mouth and now we exclusively use these!
- Wipe Warmer – I never thought we would use a wipes warmer. I actually laughed when I first heard about it because it seemed like such a waste of money…but when we brought Luke home and he would scream at the top of lungs every time we changed his diaper, I quickly changed my tune. This also acts as a nightlight which is helpful for the middle of the night diaper changes.
- Itzy Ritzy Mom Boss Cover – I never used this as a nursing cover, but we used it all.the.time as a car seat cover. During those first few weeks you don’t want anyone breathing on or touching your baby, so this cover was crucial when we went to the doctor, ran errands, etc. It keeps him covered and allows us to peek in without letting in a bunch of light.
- Dr. Brown’s Bottles – These are amazing. Luke has reflux and bad gas, and when we started using bottles he would GULP down the milk. This lead to him spitting up a lot and he seemed to be in a lot of pain from the reflux. A lactation consultant recommend these bottles and they really have made such a difference. The only negative is that they have what seem like a million pieces which is a pain when you are constantly washing bottles!
I hope this is helpful! To my fellow mamas…is there anything missing from this list that you feel is a must have item?

This is soo true!
Some really good tips here. I must forward this to my sister who’s got two children
I don’t have kids yet, but this is a great post for gift ideas for friends who are well on their way to having babies 🙂
I just added like half of these things to my registry…. you are the best! 🙂
Haha I’m so glad you found it helpful!!